Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Useful methods to futhur process ReacNetGenerator results."""
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import ase.geometry
import ase.units
import numpy as np

[docs] def read_species( specfile: Union[str, Path], ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """Read species from the species file (ends with .species). For accuracy, HMM filter should be disabled. Parameters ---------- specfile : str or Path The species file. Returns ------- step_idx : np.ndarray The index of the step. n_species : Dict[str, np.ndarray] The number of species in each step. The dict key is the species SMILES. Examples -------- Plot the number of methane in each step. >>> from import read_species >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> step_idx, n_species = read_species('methane.species') >>> plt.plot(step_idx, n_species['[H]C([H])([H])[H]']) >>> plt.savefig("methane.svg") """ step_idx = [] n_species = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) with open(specfile) as f: ii = -1 for ii, line in enumerate(f): s = line.split() step_idx.append(int(s[1].strip(":"))) for ss, nn in zip(s[2::2], [int(x) for x in s[3::2]]): n_species[ss][ii] = nn else: nsteps = ii + 1 n_species2 = {} for ss in n_species: n_species2[ss] = np.array( [n_species[ss][ii] for ii in range(nsteps)], dtype=int ) return np.array(step_idx, dtype=int), n_species2
[docs] def read_reactions(reacfile: Union[str, Path]) -> List[Tuple[int, Counter, str]]: """Read reactions from the reactions file (ends with .reaction or .reactionsabcd). For accuracy, HMM filter should be disabled. Parameters ---------- reacfile : str or Path The reactions file. Returns ------- occs : List[Tuple[int, Counter, str]] The number of occurences of each reaction. The tuple is (occurence, counter_reactants, reaction). """ occs = [] with open(reacfile) as f: for line in f: s = line.split() occs.append((int(s[0]), Counter(s[1].split("->")[0].split("+")), s[1])) return occs
[docs] def calculate_rate( specfile: Union[str, Path], reacfile: Union[str, Path], cell: np.ndarray, timestep: float, ) -> Dict[str, float]: """Calculate the rate constant of each reaction. The rate constants are calculated by the method developed in [1]_. The time interval of the trajectory is assumed to be uniform. Parameters ---------- specfile : str The species file. reacfile : str The reactions file. cell : np.ndarray The cell with the shape (3, 3). Unit: Angstrom. timestep : float The time step. Unit: femtosecond. Returns ------- rates : Dict[str, float] The rate of each reaction. The dict key is the reaction SMILES. The value is in unit of [(cm^3/mol)^(n-1)s^(-1)], where n is the reaction order. References ---------- .. [1] Yanze Wu, Huai Sun, Liang Wu, Joshua D. Deetz, Extracting the mechanisms and kinetic models of complex reactions from atomistic simulation data, J. Comput. Chem. 40, 16, 1586-1592. Examples -------- >>> cell = np.eye(3) * 3.7601e1 # in unit Angstrom >>> timestep = 0.1 # in unit fs >>> rates = calculate_rate('methane.species', 'methane.reactionabcd', cell, timestep) """ ase_cell = ase.geometry.Cell(cell) timestep *= 10**-15 # fs to s # N, step_tot =read_species(specfile) step_idx, n_species = read_species(specfile) occs = read_reactions(reacfile) # time interval between two frames time_int = (step_idx[1] - step_idx[0]) * timestep # volume of the cell volume = ase_cell.volume volume *= 10**-24 # Ang^3 to cm^3 volume_times_na = volume * ase.units.mol # V * NA rates = {} for occ, reacts, reactions in occs: # k = occ_tot / ( V * time_tot * c_tot ) # c_tot = N_tot / (V * NA) n_react = np.array([n_species[kk] for kk in reacts.keys()]) nu = np.array(list(reacts.values())) c_po = np.power( n_react / volume_times_na, np.repeat(nu, n_react.shape[1]).reshape(n_react.shape), ) c_tot = np.sum(, axis=0)) k = occ / (volume_times_na * time_int * c_tot) rates[reactions] = k return rates